Wagons West: What to Expect

Before Your Tour
From invoices to group sizes, this section has your answers!
Invoice for Field Trip
Need an invoice? Use our invoice generator at bit.ly/WWinvoice if you need documentation for your school or district. Simply follow the link, click Make a Copy, and fill in your information.
Pricing and Payment
Your tour balance is due on the day of your tour. Please do not pay in advance as refunds cannot be issued. Students are $15.00 each, and you get one adult free for every 10 students. Additional adults are $5.00 each.
We accept credit cards, cash, and checks (payable to City of Fort Worth--LCV). Make sure checks are only for the amount due; we have no way of giving change for incorrect check amounts.
Tour Activities and Weather
The tour activities at Log Cabin Village will take place outdoors (rain or shine) and in non-climate-controlled structures. Please encourage students to dress accordingly.
We have water fountains on-site, but you may wish to encourage students to bring bottles of water, especially on those hot Texas days!
Need to cancel or reschedule? Use the cancel button on your confirmation email or call us at 817-392-5881.
Arriving for Your Tour
Tips for timing, parking, chaperones, and group sizes!
Tour Arrival Times
Your tour begins at either 9:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. and runs for approximately 3 hours.
Buses should park along Log Cabin Village Lane and not in the parking lot. Please ask your bus drivers to refrain from leaving the buses idling. The sound of the engine makes it difficult to hear our historical interpreters.
Hide, Lock, Take
Please remind adults to take or hide personal belongings left in their vehicles in the parking lot.
Group Sizes
To have the best and safest experience possible, please break your group into pods of approximately 10 people (students, teachers, and adults). Each pod should have at least one adult. Please have them stay in these small pods for the entirety of your tour. A group size guide is below:
15-20 people: 2 pods
21-25 people: 3 pods
*No more than 3 pods per field trip group, please!
During Your Tour
A guide for a fun and successful tour!
Small Groups=Big Fun
Only one pod per cabin during your visit, please. This will make it easier for students to engage with our interpreters and keep everyone safe!
Walking Feet
We ask that students walk rather than run, and stay on the sidewalks. Students should not be left or allowed to roam unattended.
Lunch Time
Help us protect the Village from hungry critters! Enjoy your snacks and picnic lunches outside the Village grounds in Bobo Woods, the beautiful park adjacent to our parking lot. If you need to take a snack break, you can go to the park and then come back to the Village for more field trip fun.